How to create a recurring or scheduled poll in Slack

Please note: this feature is only available on our Premium and Enterprise subscription plans ✨

To create a new recurring poll, access the Simple Poll shortcut as you would when creating a regular poll with Simple Poll. Click the Run shortcut button in Slack. It’s the little / symbol in the bottom left of the message window.

If Create poll with Simple Poll is not in the list already, you can search for it by typing "poll":

After selecting the shortcut for Create poll with Simple Poll, a modal window that lets you create your poll will open. In the modal window, fill in the details of your poll and apply any Settings you want. Finally, to make the poll recurring, click the Schedule button.

‍In the new screen, apply the scheduling settings for when you would like your poll to automatically be posted. Applying the settings below would make the poll automatically get posted at 10.00 AM on Mondays, starting August 14th.‍

When you’re ready, save your scheduling settings by clicking Save. This will bring you back to the previous step where you can see your saved scheduling settings:

Fill in the details of your poll and select any settings you want to apply. When you’re ready, click Preview to check what your poll will look like.‍

If everything looks good, click Create Poll. You will receive a confirmation message from Simple Poll where you can see the details of the recurring poll you scheduled.‍

Click Edit poll in the confirmation message of your scheduled poll to make changes to the poll, its settings, or its schedule. Any changes made here will be stored for all future polls that get posted automatically.

If you get stuck, don’t hesitate to get in touch via [email protected]

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