How do I send reminders to those who haven't voted yet?

Reminders are a great way to ping team members who haven't responded to an important poll.

The poll creator can send out reminders on demand. First, click the green "Respond/Results" button on the poll you want to remind people about.

On the pop up screen, click "View Results"

Then click the "Reminders" button at the bottom of the next screen.

The next screen will show everyone that has not yet responded. This is the list of who will receive a reminder. If there's anyone you would like to remove from this list, you can do that here as well.

Click "Send [x] reminders" and each person will receive a DM from Simple Poll asking them to vote. The message will look like this:

Did this answer your question? Thanks for the feedback There was a problem submitting your feedback. Please try again later.