An Introduction to My Polls
As part of our effort to constantly improve the Simple Poll experience, we have introduced the new My Polls page to the Dashboard. This page allows our users to quickly and easily view all of the polls they have created across each channel in the workspace.
In order to access the My Polls page, simply navigate to your Dashboard and select the My Polls button located on the upper right side.
Using My Polls
You can filter which polls are being displayed by using the dropdown menus by Channel, Type (Poll or Multiple Question Poll) and Showing (All polls, Repeating Polls, Scheduled Polls). These dropdowns are located on the left side, below the header.
By clicking on View Details beside a poll, you will pull up a visual representation of the responses that the selected poll has received.
Clicking on Show Individual Votes will alter the visualization to provide a breakdown of who voted for a particular option.
'Rank options' poll type
One of the big advantages of the new My Polls page is that it allows you to better analyse the results from the 'Rank options' poll type.